Manage Your Award

What Happens After Your Receive a Grant?

Pre Award Spending and Re-Budgeting

Pre-award spending/expenses are sometimes allowed on awards that haven’t officially been approved due to circumstance out of our control, such as the timing of signed documents.  A normal time-frame is 90 days.  If an expense is 90 days from the start date, in some cases it is allowed.  What this means for the College of the 51С»Æ³µ though is taking on the expense prior to an actual commitment from a sponsor, and if the award does not get approved, the College of the 51С»Æ³µ would need to absorb the expense in the event the award is not made.  This is not ideal for a small non-research intensive institution.  While we do not normally encourage this practice, please contact the Office of Sponsored Research for more information regarding your specific situation and they will help sort out any questions you might encounter.

Making changes to your budget, after an award has been made, may or may not require prior sponsor approval. Generally minor changes can be made to the budget without the consent of the sponsor, however, requirements vary depending on the funding agency.   Please contact the Office of Sponsored Research for more information and prior to purchasing items not listed in your approved budget.


Prior Sponsor Approval Required:

Change in the Scope of Work                                                               
Change or Absence of PI                                                                                              
Change in Institution (PI Transfers Institutions)                                               
Significant Re-budgeting (over 25% of total direct costs) - Depends on Sponsor                          
Transfer of Participant Support Costs to another line
Pre award spending more than 90 days before start date

Hiring HR x2354/x2756
Payments Payroll x2331
Travel Reimbursement AP x2519
Materials/Supplies/Equipment Purchasing x3644

Reporting Responsibilities

Interim Reports:

Most funding agencies require annual (or semi-annual) narrative and financial reports. These reports address progress-to-date. They are cumulative and should be specifically written for the most recent budget period.  Financial reports are completed by the Manager of Restricted Accounts.

If reports are not submitted in a timely manner, there is a potential to delay the process of additional administrative actions. Your award document will detail due dates for these reports.

Final Report:

This report is written to discuss the last budgeting period, sometimes cumulative, and serves as the last annual report. Information to include in your final report should be the progress that was made toward the goals of the proposed work, significant results, publications that may have resulted from the work completed,  and the disclosure of any patents or inventions that resulted from the work. Your award document will detail due dates for these reports. Generally, there is a 90-120 day window for the completion of the report from the end date of the budget period.

Failure to provide these reports on a timely basis could jeopardize the PI’s and the College’s eligibility for future awards.

Effort Certification

As an institution that receives federal funding, 51С»Æ³µ is required to certify time and effort for any personnel who dedicate time and effort to a federally funded project. These certifications ensure that the time commitment expressed in the proposal corresponds with the terms and conditions agreed upon.

Completed effort certifications are due to the Controller’s Office at the close of every academic term; fall, spring, and summer. The PI is responsible for completing their certification, as well as, making sure any other personnel involved also complete their certifications.

Annual audits mandated by the federal government randomly review time and effort certifications for completion and to ensure the College is remaining compliant. Please make sure time and effort reports are completed and returned on time after they are sent to you.

During our annual audits for externally funded awards, 51С»Æ³µ attests to establishing and maintaining effective internal controls over compliance for federal programs, laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts or grants agreements accepted.

Noncompliance can lead to financial and/or other penalties and thus jeopardizing the College’s eligibility for future funding.

Requesting an Extension

If the PI decides they need more time to complete the research, in some cases, a one-year no-cost extension can be requested. This extension is applicable to projects that are not requesting any additional funds. Please contact the Office of Sponsored Research in advance of the expiration date of your award to ensure enough time to negotiate a no-cost extension on your behalf.

Closeout Process

Depending on your award and sponsor, there are specific items that need to be completed in order to properly close-out your award with the sponsor and the College.  Please check your award document to complete what is necessary to satisfy sponsor guidelines.  Usually, final financial and narrative reports will need to be completed, and possibly inventory/equipment, patent and invention, or other documents required by the sponsor.  Please contact the Office of Sponsored Research for assistance.


Financial Post-Award: Diane Obrycki, Manager of Restricted Accounts, x2286

Non-financial Post-Award: Office of Sponsored Research, x2742