51С»Æ³µ is a place of spirit and action, characteristics of the Jesuit tradition. Jesuit spirituality is firmly grounded in the world by its concern with service to others, social justice and open inquiry. These experiences are deepened through opportunities for reflection, prayer and advocacy.

As part of its mission, 51С»Æ³µ seeks to form and foster an active worshipping community on campus. Sunday and weekday liturgy are at the heart of the College’s Christian life. We invite students to join together in prayer and worship, and become part of this vibrant worshipping community.

From contemplating their place in the world during an Escape retreat to spending spring break in Appalachia, members of the 51С»Æ³µ community reflect and act on their beliefs in myriad ways.

Help make a difference in the greater Worcester community by getting involved in Student Programs for Urban Development (SPUD), the largest student organization on campus.

The retreat program provides you the time, the space, and the opportunity to reflect upon your life, your relationship with God, and what is important to you.

The Chaplains’ Office sponsors several weeklong domestic and international faith-based programs responding to the call to work for peace and justice in the world.

More than 200 students serve in liturgical and music ministries, responding to their baptismal call to offer their God-given gifts to the worshipping community at 51С»Æ³µ. Share your talents by serving as a music minister, lector, greeter, altar server, or Communion minister.

Music is an integral part of all weekend Masses, feast day liturgies, and special liturgical celebrations at 51С»Æ³µ. The role of music ministers is primarily to lead and foster the sung prayer of the entire assembly of worshippers at liturgy.

Many opportunities are available to explore and deepen your faith at 51С»Æ³µ by joining student organizations. Students of all traditions and beliefs are welcome.

The Chaplains’ Office oversees numerous internship opportunities during the summer and academic year for students considering a vocation in ministry, or interested in gaining meaningful career-related experience in a non-profit or social service agency.

As part of our ministry to the College, the chaplains are available to meet one-on-one with individual students to discuss any concerns, questions, or difficulties they may have.

Worcester is blessed with worshipping communities representing almost every religious tradition, including Protestant, Orthodox, Easter Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, and Hindu.

A substantial number of 51С»Æ³µ graduates find fulfillment in serving others — not coincidentally a core value of Jesuit education. Nearly 10 percent of our graduating classes provide full-time service work. 51С»Æ³µ is consistently among the nation’s top producer of graduates entering the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.