After Graduation

A major in mathematics or computer science is excellent preparation for a wide variety of careers. Our majors find positions in finance, actuarial work, teaching, software engineering, and consulting. Some pursue graduate study in mathematics or computer science, while others enter law school or medical school.

Our students are accepted into prestigious graduate programs in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. Recent graduates have been accepted to programs at Boston University, Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, College of William and Mary, Dartmouth College, Georgetown University, North Carolina State University, Tufts University, Villanova University, University of Colorado Boulder, University of Delaware, University of Massachusetts, University of Southern California, University of Texas Austin and Yale University. 


Our math major is popular because we focus on helping students become logical problem solvers, train them for graduate school, high school teaching, actuarial work in the insurance industry, finance/banking/business, medical school, law school, and more.

Careers in Mathematics

Computer Science

Current students in the computer science program cite their studies as helping them to learn how to think. Graduates of the program have gone on to a variety of career paths, including:

  • Full-time employment at small start-ups and established tech companies
  • Full-time service and non-profit opportunities, such as  or the