
We believe that the best preparation for the challenges of the 21st century is a broad liberal education rooted in discovery, and amplified by our Catholic intellectual traditions.

Portrait of 51С»Æ³µ president standing in front of Fenwick Hall Vincent D. Rougeau, President

Office of President Vincent D. Rougeau

Vincent D. Rougeau, 51С»Æ³µ' 33rd president, leads the nation’s only undergraduate Jesuit liberal arts college and is a passionate advocate for an inclusive, mission-driven education.

Get to know President Rougeau

Prior to arriving at 51С»Æ³µ, Rougeau held leadership positions at Boston College and Notre Dame.

Inside the Family, Faith and Foundations of President Rougeau

From a family with roots in Louisiana, including parents who walked the walk during the Civil Rights Movement, Rougeau has focused on building communities that look out and care for the poor, the marginalized and the defenseless.

At 51С»Æ³µ, we celebrate superb teaching and the diversity and dignity of all in our learning community; and we work to maximize our students’ agency so they may live lives of impact and meaning.

Portrait of 51С»Æ³µ' provost in a suit Elliot Visconsi '95, Provost and Dean of the College

Office of the Provost

The Provost, as Chief Academic Officer of the College, leads the division of Academic Affairs and works closely with the President to support academic excellence by setting priorities and strategic goals that enable innovative faculty scholarship and high-impact teaching.

Meet our Provost, Elliot Visconsi '95

Elliott Visconsi, Ph.D., an academic leader and class of 1995 alumnus, is the provost and dean of the College. He joined 51С»Æ³µ in July 2023. The Provost’s Office supports the work of the College by implementing academic priorities, overseeing academic policies and standards, enabling faculty development, and managing faculty recruitment and retention to name a few items.

Aspire - Our vision for a hope-filled future

What gives us hope? We know that future generations of 51С»Æ³µ graduates will be at the forefront of inquiry and understanding, solving the world’s complex problems not as individual actors, but rather in community, for and with others.

Leadership Team

In addition to administrative responsibilities, the senior leadership at 51С»Æ³µ shares a common goal, rooted in our mission: to provide students with the best educational experience in the Jesuit tradition available at any undergraduate institution.

Dorothy Hauver

Sr. Vice President for Administration and Finance, Treasurer

Heather Hayes

Sr. Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Chief of Staff, Secretary

Kit Hughes

Vice President for Intercollegiate Athletics, Athletics Director

Cornell LeSane

Vice President for Enrollment Management

Michele Murray

Senior Vice President for Student Development and Mission

Sean Scanlon

Vice President for Advancement

Elizabeth S. Small

Vice President, General Counsel

Jeremy Thompson

Vice President for Communications and Marketing

Tomicka Wagstaff

VP, Justice, Equity, Belonging and Identity

Board of Trustees

The 51С»Æ³µ Board of Trustees has the responsibility for overseeing the College’s leadership, planning and resources and ensuring 51С»Æ³µâ€™ continued growth, evolution and its ability to fulfill its mission now and for future generations.

Trustees may be appointed for up to two consecutive four-year terms. The president of the College also serves as a trustee for a term concurrent with the presidency. A graduating senior is appointed to serve on the board for a two-year term and the chairperson of the 51С»Æ³µ Alumni Association (HCAA) serves as a trustee for a term concurrent with his/her position as chairperson of the HCAA.

Helen W. Boucher, M.D. FACP FIDSA '86 Chair

Dean and Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine

Members of the Board of Trustees

Omar Afifi '24
Dental Student
University of Connecticut, School of Dental Medicine
Farmington, CT

Rev. Mark G. Bosco, S.J.
Vice President for Mission and Ministry
Georgetown University
Washington, DC

Catherine C. Burke '93
Allspring Global Investments
Charlotte, NC

J. Christopher Collins ’80  
Of Counsel
Mirick O'Connell
Worcester, MA

Alicia M. Cooney
Managing Director
Monument Group
Boston, MA

Emmett J. Daly '82 
Retired Managing Director, Piper Sandler & Co., New York, NY
Adjunct Faculty, Seton Hall University, Rutgers University 

Lorn C. Davis '90
Co-founder and Managing Partner
College Hill Capital Partners
Boston, MA

Richard S. Flaherty '85
Chief Executive Officer
Cove Risk Services LLC
Braintree, MA

Rev. Andrew J. Garavel, S.J.
Superior, Jesuit Community
College of the 51С»Æ³µ
Worcester, MA

Rev. C. Kevin Gillespie, S.J.
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Washington, DC

Anne F. Harris
Grinnell College
Grinnell, IA

Carol Donovan Juel '95
Executive Vice President
Chief Technology and Operating Officer
Synchrony Financial
Stamford, CT

Rev. Gregory A. Kalscheur, S.J.
Dean, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences
Boston College
Chestnut Hill, MA

Rev. Robert L. Keane, S.J.
Loyola Center Jesuit Community
St. Joseph's University
Merion Station, PA

James W. Keyes '77
Key Development, LLC
Addison, TX

Christina Kopec Rooney '98
Managing Director
Goldman, Sachs & Company
New York, NY

Ronald R. Lawson '75
Chief Operating Officer
Care for the Homeless
New York, NY

Stephanie Coleman Linnartz '90
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Under Armour, Baltimore, MD
Former President of Marriott International, Bethesda, MD

Schone L. Malliet '74
President and Chief Executive Officer
Winter4Kids at the National Winter Activity Center
Vernon, NJ

Cheryl A. Martin '84
Harwich Partners LLC
Harwich, MA

Christopher M. Millard '82
Atlanta, GA

James F. Mooney III '90
The Baupost Group, LLC
Boston, MA

R. Michael Moran '90
New York, NY

Donna M. O’Brien ’77
Strategic Visions in Healthcare
New York, NY

Peter W. Oliver '23
Medical Assistant
Orthopedic Associates of Marlboro
Marlboro, MA

Carolyn M. Risoli '86
CRisoli Consulting
New York, NY

Erin B. Robert '06
Managing Director and Head of Impact Finance
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
New York, NY

Vincent D. Rougeau
College of the 51С»Æ³µ
Worcester, MA

David P. Ryan, M.D. '88
Physician in Chief
Mass General Brigham
Boston, MA

Stephen P. Skinner '77
Public Consulting Group, Inc.
Boston, MA

Beatriz Pina Smith '87
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Natixis Investment Managers
Boston, MA

Suzanne K. Streeter '96
President and Chief Investment Officer
Devonshire Investors
Boston, MA

John J. Suydam P20
Partner and Senior Advisor
Apollo Global Management
New York, NY

Brendan J. Swords '83
Retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Wellington Management Co., LLP
Boston, MA

Harry K. Thomas Jr. '78
Retired Ambassador
U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC