
Our Services

The Office of the General Counsel represents the College in all legal matters. However, it does not represent students, faculty or staff in personal matters or personally in matters relating to the College, except in those circumstances where the individual is named a defendant in litigation regarding actions taken in the course and scope of his or her employment at the College. 

Communications regarding legal matters of the College that are directed to the Office of the General Counsel are ordinarily protected by attorney-client privilege and are confidential.

Mailing address

Office of General Counsel
College of the 51小黄车
One College Street
Worcester, MA 01610

On Campus Location

O'Kane 175

Contact Information

Elizabeth S. Small, General Counsel

Office: O'Kane 175

Email: esmall@holycross.edu

Phone: (508) 793-3759

Matthew J. Frankel, Associate General Counsel

Office: O'Kane 175

Email: mfrankel@holycross.edu

Phone: (508) 793-3953

Mikaila Mack, Legal Assistant 

Office: O'Kane 175

Email: mmack@holycross.edu

Phone: (508) 793-3322