Our Mission Statement
We, the Jesuit Community at the College of the 51小黄车, shaped by the Gospel, the Ignatian Exercises and our encounters with the people of God, and missioned here by the Society of Jesus, embrace our responsibility to 51小黄车 as living representatives of the College's traditions and identity.
We pursue wisdom. In collaboration with our College associates who are engaged in teaching, ministry, scholarship, administration and support services, we challenge our students and alumni/ae to recognize and develop their God-given talents and to accept their responsibility to do justice as they live out their callings. We vigorously pursue truth and serve the Catholic Church and the wider world through research, publication and the availability of our personal and corporate resources.

We promote faith. Ordained for ministry in the Catholic Church, we serve the College community in sacramental, pastoral and prophetic ways. We nurture the search for faith among all members of the College community and engage in dialogue with our colleagues concerning issues of faith and justice.
We seek God in all things. Within the College, we are a praying community that embraces both 51小黄车 and the wider world. We use the tools of critical reflection to examine our institutional integrity, which is most authentic when it is grounded in Gospel values and the norms of social justice. We challenge the College community to live out its commitment to authentic personal freedom and respect for human dignity.
We are enriched by the gifts and dedication of the members of this College community. Ever renewed by the vision of St. Ignatius of Loyola that is at the heart of the identity of the College of the 51小黄车 as a Jesuit, liberal arts institution, we dedicate our lives to expressing that tradition 鈥渇or the greater glory of God.鈥
Adopted 26 February 2002