I was born in the mostly rural Northwest region of Spain, Galicia, and grew up in a small tightknit community. All the members of my family lived, and still do, within a 20-mile radius. Due to the difficult economic times, however, my parents emigrated to the United Kingdom when I was eight years old. I joined them a year after and had to quickly learn a new language and adapt to the urban and cosmopolitan city of London (talk about culture shock!). This uprooting shaped the rest of my life. I became bilingual and bicultural at a very early age. I chose to major in English at the University of Santiago de Compostela a few years after we returned to Spain; I came to the United States as a teaching assistant after graduation; and I decided to enroll in a PhD program in Hispanic Literature at the University of Connecticut shortly after. The rest, as they say, is history.
Even though I am a first generation student, teaching is somehow in my blood. My favorite game throughout my entire childhood was playing school. My passion for teaching and for research has informed all of my adult life. I deeply believe that knowledge creates awareness, and that awareness in turn creates understanding, empathy, and progress, not only within our communities but in the world at large. The study of languages and literatures gives students the opportunity to see reality through the eyes of others and provides them with essential tools for global and intercultural understanding. The most rewarding aspect of my job as an educator has been to experience and facilitate the rich intellectual and human interaction that takes place in the classroom. At 51小黄车, nothing is more important to me than creating spaces where students can learn about Spanish culture and literature as they explore and engage in some of the fundamental issues of our time such as gender, race, class, war, conflict, and the environment.
- Espa帽ol para Hispanohablantes
- Intro to Textual Analysis
- Readings in Spanish Literature
- Spanish Film and Literature
- Female Voices in Modern and Contemporary Spain
- 19th-21st Century Spanish Literature
- Women鈥檚 Writing, Narrative
- Film Studies
- Cultural Studies
- 鈥婫ender Studies, Feminism, Ecofeminism
Global Issues in Contemporary Hispanic Women鈥檚 Writing: Shaping Gender, the Environment, and Politics. Routledge, 2013 (Co-editor).
Palabra de mujer: hacia la reivindicaci贸n y contextualizaci贸n del discurso feminista espa帽ol. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, 2007 (Author). (A Woman鈥檚 Word: Towards the Vindication and Contextualization of Spanish Feminist Discourse)
Selected Recent Articles
鈥淎rriesg谩ndolo todo en cada palabra. Entrevista a Yolanda Casta帽o,鈥 Hispania, Volume 107 , Number 1 (March 2024): 13-24.
鈥淟a escritura como instrumento de resistencia cultural y reivindicaci贸n de la diferencia: Entrevista a Emma Pedreira.鈥 Hispanic Journal 41.2 (Fall 2020): 31-47.
鈥淓ntrevistas a Mar铆a Reim贸ndez, Rosa Montero y Julia Otxoa: el arte de la escritura y el activismo鈥 (Interviews with MR, RM, and JO: The Art of Writing and Activism). Romance Studies 34:1 (2016: 43-63).
鈥淓l cine social y comprometido de Ic铆ar Bolla铆n: Hacia una perspectiva global, transcultural y ecologista鈥 (Ic铆ar Bolla铆n鈥檚 Socially Engaged Cinema: Towards a Global, Transcultural, and Ecological Perspective). Espa帽a contempor谩nea XXIV(2)-XXV(1,2), (2015: 161-173).
鈥淓scribir desde una geograf铆a de desarraigo y extra帽amiento: la poes铆a y el microrrelato de Julia Oxoa鈥 (Writing From a Space of Unfamiliarity and Non-Belonging: Julia Otxoa鈥檚 Poetry and Microstories). Anales de la Literatura Espa帽ola Contempor谩nea [ALEC] 40.1 (2015: 61-73).
鈥淗acia una perspectiva global y transnacional: el compromiso y la urgencia en el cine espa帽ol contempor谩neo鈥 (Towards a Global and Transnational Perspective: Engagement and Urgency in Contemporary Spanish Theater). Published in the volume Cuesti贸n social: Literatura, cine y prensa (Santiago de Compostela: Editorial Andavira, 233-241, 2014).
鈥淓l espacio femenino en Valle-Incl谩n.鈥&苍产蝉辫; In Valle-Incl谩n: ensayos cr铆ticos sobre su obra y trascendencia. Coru帽a: H茅rcules de Ediciones, 2009.
鈥淓ntre el dinamismo ideol贸gico y el estatismo filos贸fico: la aproximaci贸n al g茅nero y a la mujer en la obra de Valle-Incl谩n,鈥 ALEC 33.3 (2008), 33-56.
鈥淐atolicismo y feminismo: el enfrentamiento de dos ideolog铆as en 滨苍蝉辞濒补肠颈贸苍 de Emilia Pardo Baz谩n y Camino sin retorno de Lidia Falc贸n.鈥&苍产蝉辫;La literatura, la iglesia y el reino de este mundo. A Coru帽a: Monogr谩ficos de Artabria, 2006. 51-59.
鈥淒e 谩ngel del hogar a mujer moderna: las tensiones filos贸ficas y textuales en el sujeto femenino de Carmen de Burgos.鈥&苍产蝉辫; Letras Femeninas 31 (2005): 49-74.
鈥淓ntre la crisis generacional y el 茅xtasis sexual: el dilema femenino en Atlas de geograf铆a humana de Almudena Grandes.鈥&苍产蝉辫; Romance Studies 20 (2002): 129-144.