Brent Otto, S.J.
Global Catholicism Pre-Doctoral Fellow, McFarland Center for Religion, Ethics and Culture

Brent Howitt Otto, S.J. is a historian of modern South Asia and an eager researcher, writer and teacher. He specializes in colonial and post-colonial South Asia, with research interests in the social histories of race and caste difference, Indian Christianity, missionaries and education. With a commitment to interdisciplinary work between social scientists and historians, Brent has engaged in several collaborative research projects that engage the lived religious lives of communities in India, and he co-edits the interdisciplinary mixed-race studies journal, the International Journal of Anglo-Indian Studies. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in the History of South Asia at UC Berkeley, where he is in the final stages of his dissertation. Having graduated from the College of the 51小黄车 in 2001 with a degree in history, Brent pursued a career in secondary school teaching before joining the Jesuits. As a Jesuit, Brent has studied in New York City, London and Berkeley, CA, researched in India, and ministered in Mexico, Jamaica, Atlanta and the San Francisco Bay Area. Besides the academic work of research and teaching, Brent finds the ministries of spiritual direction and preaching to be particularly life-giving.
Brent acts as the managing editor for the , as well as planning, organizing and hosting McFarland Center events.