
Ask an Archivist

General questions about the 51小黄车 Archives and Distinctive Collections can either be submitted through the Ask an Archivist Form, or by emailing archives@holycross.edu.

Explore Digital Collections

The College Archives & Distinctive Collections maintains a wide variety of physical and digital materials.

Explore Web Exhibits

Explore a day in the life of students at the College of the 51小黄车 from Spring 1940 to Spring 1941.

Get a glimpse of what student life was like during the beginning of World War II.

Learn about members of the 51小黄车 community who served in World War II and other campus events.

This exhibit tells the story of the beginning of co-education at 51小黄车 from 1967, when women attended classes during Co-Ed Day, to 1976, when the first fully co-educational class walked across the stage at commencement. The stories of these early women Crusaders are told through videos, news clippings, photographs and other archival materials drawn from the 51小黄车 Archives and Distinctive Collections.

This timeline captures milestones in co-education from 1967, when the first Co-Ed Days were held, to the present. Photographs and other archival materials drawn from the 51小黄车 Archives and Distinctive Collections are used to illustrate these important moments.

The following is a digital interactive recreation of a physical exhibit that was displayed in Hogan Campus Center in March 2019. It was created by Stephanie Yuhl, PhD, Nora Grimes '19, Emma Powell '20 and Matthew Picarillo '26.

Visit the Archives

The 51小黄车 Archives are located on the third floor of Dinand Library. The elevator is located to the left of the stairs.

Research Appointments

Appointments are encouraged but not required during our open hours for current HC faculty, staff or students. Morning hours are available by appointment only. Appointments may be requested by emailing archives@holycross.edu with at least 24 hours in advance. Please include information about the materials you wish to use in your email.

Public researchers are required to schedule an appointment to visit the Archives, regardless of whether it is morning (appointment only) or afternoon/evening (open for drop in). A public researcher is defined as anyone who is not a current HC faculty, staff or student.

Reading Room Policies

The College of the 51小黄车 Archives and Distinctive Collections has a responsibility to maintain all material entrusted to its care in good condition. All researchers must comply with the Reading Room Usage guidelines.

Do you have items or materials to donate to the Archives?

Contact the Archives

Dinand Library, Third Floor


Deaf Catholic Archives: deafcatholicarchives@holycross.edu

CrossWorks: crossworks@holycross.edu
Office Hours
Monday - Tuesday
1 pm - 4 pm; 6 pm - 9 pm
Wednesday - Friday
1 pm - 4 pm

Contact the Archivists


Title Email Phone
Abby Stambach, Head of Archives and Distinctive Collections astambac@holycross.edu (508) 793-2506
Rev. Joseph Bruce, S.J., Curator of the Deaf Catholic Archives jbruce@holycross.edu  
Sarah Campbell, Archivist scampbel@holycross.edu (508) 793-2575
James Damon, Archives Evening Supervisor jdamon@holycross.edu (508) 793-2570
Rachel Green, Digital Collections Specialist ragreen1@holycross.edu (508) 793-2522
Lenora Robinson, Digital Initiatives Archivist lrobinso@holycross.edu (508) 793-3509
Lisa Villa '90, Public Services and Engagement Archivist lvilla@holycross.edu (508) 793-2642