
34 Results found for: "English"

  • Maurice G茅racht

    Stephen J. Prior Professor of Humanities Emeritus, English
    Areas of Expertise 18th Century English Literature, English, American, French Narrative Traditions and Narrative Theory, 20th Century Visual Arts, Intersections Between Visual Arts and Literature
  • James Kee

    Professor Emeritus
    Areas of Expertise Middle English literature, especially Chaucer and Langland, Hermeneutics and literary criticism, Philosophy and literature, The Bible and literature
  • Richard Matlak

    Professor Emeritus
    Areas of Expertise William Wordsworth and English romantic writers, Biography and poetry, Dialogical approaches to literature, Transitions between periods of literary history and national literatures
  • B. Eugene McCarthy

    Professor Emeritus
  • Sarah Stanbury

    Distinguished Professor of Arts and Humanities Emerita
    Areas of Expertise Chaucer and Late Medieval Literature, Medieval Visual Culture, Mapping Margery Kempe
  • Helen Whall

    Professor Emerita
    Areas of Expertise Shakespeare, Renaissance Drama, Modern Drama, Comic Theory
  • Julianne Camarda

    Visiting Assistant Professor
    Areas of Expertise Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British Literature , Global Romanticism(s), Poetry and Poetics, Gender and Sexuality
  • Leah Cohen

    Visiting Professor-The James N. and Sarah L. O'Reilly Barrett Professorship in Creative Writing
    Areas of Expertise Creative Writing, Fiction and Nonfiction, Ethics of Storytelling
  • Oliver de la Paz

    Associate Professor, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies Director
    Areas of Expertise Creative Writing: Poetry and Hybrid Genres, Contemporary American Poetry, Asian American Literature