
Our Mission

The Center for Writing aims to support both faculty and students as they pursue the Ignatian concept eloquentia perfecta: eloquence in speech and writing produced for the common good. In support of this tradition and the College’s mission to pursue excellence in teaching, learning and research, the Center promotes writing across campus in all disciplines.

For Faculty

Faculty members can consult with the directors about the teaching of writing, participate in writing groups and retreats that support their own scholarship, attend the Center’s faculty development programming and request writing workshops for students in their classes. 



For Students

Students of any level, in any discipline, and at any stage in the writing process can meet with trained peer consultants in the Writer's Workshop or get support from the Center for Writing’s professional tutors. 



Need Support?


Contact Us

Center for Writing

Dinand 210
Office Hours
10 a.m. – 9 p.m.
10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
4 - 9 p.m.